
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Electrohome Single Ended Tube Amp

 This little four watt single ended tube amp was returned to me after I donated it to a yoga studio that I trained at.

It was mostly recapped by David Yee in Vancouver and since I got it back I have done the large caps and cleaned the amp up, with a new paint job, got rid of the large capacitor can added the volume pot and on/off toggle to the top.

It really is amazing how just 4 watts can really sound! I love single ended tube amps and they seem to getting harder to find. This unit came out of an old console stereo.

I will sell this little amp so hit me up if interested.

An update:

Now complete with a nice wood case for it.

KLH Model 17 Speakers Returned

This pair of KLH Model 17 speakers made their way back to me after I donated them as part of a stereo system at a yoga studio that I trained at.

These are great vintage 10" two way speakers, I originally owned these in 2017 with the original blog postings to be found here and the recap pages found here.

Very similar the Henry Kloss Advents that I have had many experiences on this blog. 

I have them paired with an Electrohome Single Ended Tube amp that I also gave to the yoga studio.

These are a great sounding speaker and well worth searching out.