I picked up this pair of Monitor Audio MA9 speakers over a year ago and just got them up and running again.
There is a back story to these speakers that needed to be addressed. One the previous owner seemed to have driven these speakers beyond there output and basically burnt the voice coil on one of the Dalesford woofers, it had a crackling sound.
The closest speaker I could find with the parameters is a pair of Visaton WS-17E woofers, these are also the closest to the same basket shape of the original Dalesford woofers. The mounting holes were just off by millimetres and a small amount of filing was needed to get them installed.
Another issue I found was a cold solder on the crossover which I re flowed with solder.
Another issue was the cabinets needed a good sanding as these speakers are a beautiful wood veneer that you do not find as much these days.
The sanding went smoothly and I added Circa 1850 Terra Nova NaturOil to the veneer and did these ever turn out nice.
I am now enjoying these speakers and I am blown away by how nice my first introduction into Monitor Audio products, even if this pair is from 1979.
I find the Visaton woofers sound super nice and the Seas tweeters are superb. This is a great bookshelf speaker, imaging is great and bass is nice and full for a small enclosure
My original unmodified MA9s, dating from about 1982, still sound pretty good to my ageing ears. They may benefit from checking / replacing any worn out components in the crossover, but they’re still soldiering on